Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Blogs are Stupid

Why do people even write blogs? Blogs are just another one of the ways that people feel "deep" and "artistic" and special. It's another insult to another field. Just because you can click a couple of buttons and get your own free blog you think you're a goddamn writer. Just like people who can buy a point-and-shoot camera think they are suddenly great photographers and use a lot of black and white or sepia filters. YOU'RE NOT. STOP IT.

"You hypocrite, this is a blog. Why are you writing a blog then?"

Because. Because I am a bitter hypocrite, I own it. And because I am stuck all day every day with an infant whose only forms of communication are babbling, screaming, crying, and spitting. I've got nobody else to talk to, so I'm talking to myself, ok? And I'm doing it by typing. Idle hands and all that.

I still think blogs are stupid.

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